ITECO Corporation

The companies of the ITECO group merged into a holding

15.11.2024 Press office
On August 6, 2024, the Joint Stock Company “Investment Transport Corporation” (JSC “ITECO”), the parent company of the holding, was registered. This legally consolidated the company's existing structure and also expanded opportunities for development. In November 2024, the holding included the main companies.

At the moment, the holding includes two legal entities - ITECO Russia LLC and ITECO Resource JSC, representing two interrelated areas of activity: cargo transportation and vehicle maintenance. In the future, new companies will be an integral part of the holding. The main founder of pre-existing companies, Evgeniy Babaev, is the President of ITECO JSC.

The goals of the restructuring were: legal formalization of the pre-existing structure, increasing stability in the market in the holding format, as well as expanding opportunities for attracting investment and development. Few people in the industry know that the name "ITECO" is an acronym meaning "Investment Transportation Corporation". Now this full name is enshrined in legal documents.

It is symbolic that ITECO JSC was registered exactly 20 years after the founding of ITECO.
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